403-670-0055 | 1-877-682-3476

403-670-0055 | 1-877-682-3476

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD Disability Lawyer

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often remains a misunderstood condition among insurance agents and legal professionals, who may lack insight into how its manifestations and underlying causes can significantly impede an individual's ability to maintain employment. While it's commonly associated with individuals who have experienced combat or severe physical assault, the reality is that PTSD can stem from a broad range of traumatic events, including "ordinary" occurrences like car accidents or the loss of a loved one. At Ludwar Law Firm, we recognize that the symptoms and resulting disability can affect anyone, regardless of the nature of the trauma endured.

Moreover, PTSD can arise from traumatic incidents within the workplace itself, such as bank robberies or violent outbursts from patients in a hospital setting. These events disrupt the individual's ability to carry on with daily life and pose significant challenges in returning to their specific work environment. The pervasive nature of PTSD symptoms, including flashbacks, nightmares, and hypervigilance, can make it exceedingly difficult for affected individuals to resume their professional duties, exacerbating the already considerable impact on their overall well-being and livelihood.


PTSD Effects on Your Life

After an accident, assault or other traumatic experience, it's normal to experience nightmares, anxiety, and other negative effects. Usually they go away as the experience fades into your past. However, for some people, they stay and become more and more difficult to deal with. PTSD can cause:

    Panic attacks
    Detached emotions or numbness
    Difficulty sleeping
    Difficulty controlling emotions like anger or fear
    Wanting to avoid anything that reminds you of the traumatic event
    Difficulty with memory and concentration
    Substance abuse
    Guilt, shame
    Physical aches and pains
    Suicidal thoughts and feelings

Many of the symptoms of PTSD can appear vague and are often experienced by individuals following any traumatic event. As a result, insurance companies and legal professionals may doubt the severity of your condition and question whether you are truly disabled.

At Ludwar Law Firm, our Calgary PTSD disability lawyer is dedicated to clarifying the impact of your symptoms and demonstrating their significance. While many insurance companies acknowledge PTSD as a legitimate reason for being unable to work, they often argue that there is insufficient objective medical evidence to support your claim. We are committed to helping you gather and present the necessary medical documentation in accordance with Alberta and Saskatchewan law, ensuring you receive the compensation and support you deserve.

PTSD Disability Claim FAQs

Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and disability claims:

  • What are the symptoms of PTSD?

    Symptoms of PTSD can vary but commonly include:
    ● Flashbacks and reliving traumatic events● Nightmares and distressing dreams related to the trauma● Avoidance, including steering clear of triggers of the trauma● Hypervigilance and feeling constantly on edge or easily startled● Negative moods, such as persistent feelings of guilt, shame or anger● Intrusive thoughts and unwanted memories or distressing images● Difficulty concentrating and focusing on tasks● Sleep disturbances, such as insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns
    PTSD symptoms typically begin within three months of the traumatic event, but they can also appear later. For many, PTSD can have long-standing and life-altering implications.

  • Can I get short-term disability for PTSD?

    In short, yes. Individuals with PTSD are eligible for short-term disability benefits. However, receiving benefits depends on whether you meet specific criteria outlined by insurance providers and government agencies.

    To qualify, you must provide a written diagnosis from a healthcare professional detailing how PTSD impairs your ability to work. Additionally, documentation of your medical treatments may be required. A disability claims lawyer can help you gather all the necessary documentation to increase the chances of a successful claim.

  • Can car accident victims have PTSD?

    Car accident victims can indeed have PTSD due to the traumatic nature of the event. Even seemingly minor accidents can lead to PTSD. In fact, almost 40 percent of motor vehicle accident survivors may develop PTSD.
    Symptoms include flashbacks, nightmares and avoidance of riding in or driving a car. Seeking support from mental health professionals can help you cope and manage your symptoms. It can also provide essential documentation needed for a successful disability benefits claim.

  • Can I get compensation for PTSD?

    Compensation for PTSD can be pursued through various avenues. Short-term disability (STD) benefits may cover temporary incapacity, while long-term disability (LTD) benefits can provide support for extended periods. Additionally, tort damages from lawsuits related to negligence could offer compensation. Consulting a disability claims lawyer can help determine your eligibility and navigate the complex claims process.

  • What do I do if the insurance company denies my claim?

    Insurance companies often deny PTSD claims because it’s an invisible illness that can be difficult to prove. Reasons insurance companies deny claims include:
    ● Insufficient documentation or medical evidence to support the claim● Little or no treatment has been received● There are alternate occupations available
    If your claim is rejected, you can file an internal appeal. If the appeal is unsuccessful, you may need to negotiate independently with your insurance company or file a lawsuit. A disability claims lawyer from Ludwar Law Firm can help you navigate the appeals process, negotiate with insurance companies and fight for your rights in court.
    For more answers to your questions about making a PTSD claim, contact us today and speak to a PTSD disability lawyer in Calgary, Alberta, Regina, Saskatchewan and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Your Disability Claim Matters: Turn to Ludwar Law Firm for Compassionate Representation!

Trust Ludwar Law Firm in Calgary and get the disability benefits you deserve. Convincing insurance companies that you truly are injured with a long-term disability and unable to work can be difficult, time-consuming and frustrating. Let the client-focused team from Ludwar Law Firm guide you every step of the way.