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Get Help with Chronic Fatigue Disability Claims in Alberta & Saskatchewan

Chronic fatigue syndrome is called many different things, including myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), post-viral fatigue syndrome (PVFS) and chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS). It’s often described as fibromyalgia without the pain and can therefore sometimes be mistaken as fibromyalgia or depression. Our team can help you with denied chronic fatigue disability claims in Alberta.


Some of the most common symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome are:

  • Sleep issues
  • Overwhelming fatigue
  • Cognitive difficulties because of fatigue and lack of sleep


These can create many secondary issues, such as severe problems within a marriage, financial stress, and lack of social life, and lead to reactive depression. Many clients are convinced it's all in their heads. So are many doctors, insurance representatives, and legal professionals. They are convinced that CFS is nothing but laziness and that clients can work if they just put their minds to it. Give us a call to know more.

Chronic Fatigue for Long-term Disability

As there is no definitive "CFS test," it can be difficult to prove CFS. The issues to be determined when dealing with CFS are how severe it is, and how much it prevents you from doing what you were able to do before.


Our lawyer will compare and contrast what you were able to do before CFS became a part of your life. Often during a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome disability claim in Alberta or Saskatchewan, we are able to show that CFS affects not only your ability to do your job, but also your ability to do "fun" things like sports and hobbies and spend time with friends and family. We use anecdotal evidence of social interactions to show your disability, such as stopping activities like vacations or hobbies.


Many of our clients take significant social and financial hits from CFS. The greater the disparity between your life before and after CFS, the easier it is to prove your disability and help you get chronic fatigue disability claims you are entitled to under Alberta or Saskatchewan law.


Get Answers to Frequently Asked Questions


Our team has prepared a list of some of the frequently asked questions. Read them below!


What Is Chronic Fatigue Disability?

This is a disease in which the affected person can experience sleeping troubles, unexplained fatigue and pain, and many other symptoms that vary from person to person.


Can I Claim Insurance Benefits for It?

Many insurance companies have their doctors who check you and will disregard CFD as an issue. Most of them will be orthopaedics or general physicians with no knowledge or understanding of CFD. Make sure you consult a specialist and get proper reports so that you can support your claims with hard evidence.


What Are the Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Disability?

Here are some of the symptoms of CFD that you should look out for:


  • Unexplained fatigue
  • Body pain
  • Problems in sleeping
  • Difficulty with memory and focus
  • Getting exhausted even from mild chores


How Can a Chronic Fatigue Disability Lawyer Help You?

A professional lawyer can have one on one sessions with you and offer proper advice at every level. They will gather all the information about your disability, including medical reports and prescriptions. They will try to establish your disability in front of the authorities to get your disability benefits.


If you still have any questions about chronic fatigue disability, make sure that you give us a call.

Contact Ludwar Law Firm

To discuss how chronic fatigue syndrome has affected your work life, contact Ludwar Law Firm today.

Book Your Consultation

The first consultation with us is free and will be done at your convenience.

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